Saturday, November 16, 2013

Give a voice to your enterprise applications

Give a voice to your enterprise applications

Imagine having lunch with your colleagues and laughing your way to glory over frivolous jokes, when your phone suddenly displays a text message. It is the Boss! And the boss badly needs you to send the top 10 customers by sales for that month in Australia. “I need it now!”

What would you do? Leave the lunch table, possibly your lunch as well and rush back to your desk. Find the information and email it across to the Boss. And while emailing it, you are probably swearing at your boss.

But, what if, you had an app on your phone, where you could just speak, “Who are the top 5 customers by sales for this month in Australia?” and the phone displays the list. And you now say, “Email to Jeff!”. And it perfectly obeys your command. This sounds like a Siri or a Google Now. Not for finding the nearest Thai place, but for making you more productive at your work-place. A voice enabled enterprise-mobile (VEEM) app that works with your enterprise applications.

A simple voice command can be systematically converted into a structured query that links to the enterprise database and fetches relevant information to the user, Siri/Google Now style. This is limited not just to display of information or reports, but also transaction processing.

You could also say, “Create a Purchase Order for Vendor XYZ Inc. for Raw material RM1 for a quantity of 100 units.” The workflow understands your organizational data and can create the purchase order after you hit a confirmation button. Imagine the benefits of such VEEM applications and the productivity it creates for your workforce!  

We are already seeing a lot of consumer-like behavior in the enterprise world. E.g. companies are looking to subscribe rather than buy, pay as you grow, etc. Something we like to do in our personal lives. If we can order Google Now to navigate to the nearest Cheese Cake factory, why can’t we order a Google Now like app to create a transactional record or merely display and share a report. 

Which companies are willing to invest in a technology like this? Is your company ready?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A tribute to the God of Cricket - Sachin Tendulkar:

 A tribute to the God of Cricket

It is not for nothing that Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is known as the God of cricket. Like God, he excels in his game. Like God, he is humble and compassionate. Like God, he gifts the good (deliveries) and punishes the bad ones. And like God, their is always a method behind the madness.
There is a reason why certain things happen in a certain way, which ordinary minds find it hard to decipher. The common man curses and scorns at God, while He merely smiles at us, knowing fully well that his actions have been executed for the greater good.
Many an article has been written and re-written on why the God of cricket has been at least a few years late in announcing his retirement. Those lesser mortals quote statistics on his form, runs scored, centuries cracked, fitness, etc to prove their point. They are making every effort to belittle the God.
Little to these folks realize that God never retires. Because, if he did, the world would come to end.God only transitions responsibilities to God-like creatures. He tests finesse and attitudes of individuals to ensure they can continue without his active involvement. And he takes time to satisfy himself before he transitions. Creating and testing the chosen ones with difficult events and ensuring they have reached the stage where they can represent God with ease.
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar has done precisely that. Had he announced his retirement from “active” cricket a few years ago, all hell would have broken lose in the world of cricket in his absence. He has taken time to transition to God-like individuals. He ensured that the chosen ones like Dhoni and Kohli and the others are fully equipped to lead in his absence. Once satisfied, he has announced his retirement from active cricket, knowing fully well that the God-like individuals will continue on his path of excellence.
When God transitions, his legacy stays for everyone to remember and worship. Commoners don’t stop talking about God, rather, they start reposing their faith in the chosen ones, while still remembering that the God is still there, watching them, albeit passively.  
Thank you Sachin God Tendulkar for everything you have given us!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Five lessons a “Dehati Aurat” can teach Nawaz Sharif

Five lessons a “Dehati Aurat” can teach Nawaz Sharif 

When you think about a “dehati aurat” (a village woman) what is the first impression that flashes your mind? Probably, an uncouth old woman paan-chewing, nose-pricking, loud- talking and talking unpleasant gibberish about people on their back. However, if you are on who likes to ponder over the insignificant things in life, you will realize the Dehati Aurat can teach couple of things to Nawaz Sharif:

1.    Uncouth: The uncouth exterior of the Dehati Aurat is an indication of the lack of cleanliness and poverty that has refused to go away, irrespective of any ethnic or economic progress we may have made. Pakistan and Nawaz Sharif should focus on eliminating extreme poverty from the country and let the degree of uncouthness be an indicator of how successful they have been.

2.    Paan-chewing: Chewing paan or smoking bidis offer solace to the poor and downtrodden and provide a way to escape from thinking about their lack of wealth, hygiene, job and possibly a home. It also represents the bad habits people get into due to lack of constructive engagement. Nawaz Sharif must focus on creating new employment opportunities in Pakistan and provide jobs to the people. Terrorism is not a constructive engagement.

3.    Nose-pricking: Pricking and therefore cleaning your nose keeps you clean internally and away from diseases. It will suit Mr Sharif perfectly well to do some “internal” nose-pricking. Clean up the rogue and disease causing elements in Pakistan and make it a safer place. The dehati aurat does a much better job here and he should look at them for inspiration on how to clean-up. 

4.    Loud-talking: The Dehati Aurat talks aloud to make her heard, amongst a bunch of other Dehati Aurats. Loud talking represents the ability to establish the dehati aurat's presence in an environment of equals and often in one of superiors, given the male dominated society. In either case, it requires courage to make your presence felt in adverse situations. Nawaz Sharif can well take a leaf out the dehati aurat's book and make his presence felt not only in Pakistan but throughout the world. Neither Pakistan nor humanity gain from an impoverished and terror struck country. It needs authoritative execution to lead the country out of the mess.

5.    Talking Unpleasant Gibberish about people on their back: When the dehati aurat talks gibberish about people behind their back, she demonstrates trust in the recipient of the information and also an innate ability of deep observation. It takes skills to observe and an innocence to trust. Nawaz is better off developing intelligence and skills for observing negative elements and building trust and confidence for himself and for Pakistan in the international arena.         
While Nawaz Sharif clearly has a pervert, lowly image of the dehati aurat, she clearly has more on her sleeves than he thinks.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Why IAS Durga must send a Rakhi to CM Akhilesh

Why IAS Durga must send a Rakhi to CM Akhilesh

History has it that the brave Queen Karnavati sent Rakhi to the Mughal Emperor Humayun when the security of her subjects and her personal security was in danger. The enemy was close to the kingdom and her own nobles were reluctant to fight the war. The queen was in serious predicament and had choice between humiliating defeat and death or death by jauhaar, the famous Rajput way of self immolation.

The queen chose a third option. She sent a Rakhi to Emperor Humayun imploring him to protect her from the impending danger. The noble emperors who was leading a.campaign in Bengal immediately rushed to Rajasthan to help and protect his new found sister. Unfortunately, he was too late and the Queen had to commit jauhar.

It was an age when communication was snail paced, unlike today's digital age.

Today, we have another Karnavati trapped between the evil sand mafia and political leaders who support them. Their is a Chief minister who claims independence.

The brave IAS Durga must send a Rakhi to CM Akhilesh and see how he.reacts. Does he do a Humayun or will be pretend arrogance and as they say, "let the law of the la.d take its own course." Because if that happens, another brave daughter of India will be sent to oblivion after a memorable start.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A new employee compensation paradigm – moving from Employee Compensation to Family Compensation

 A new employee compensation paradigm – moving from Employee Compensation to Family Compensation 


What is family based compensation?

Family based compensation is a new compensation paradigm where an employer pays salary and benefits to the family, specifically, employee and dependent spouse, rather than the employee only. Read on to find out how this model will work in an employee life cycle and what it means to the employer, employee and their spouses.

It is a known fact that money is one of the primary reasons for marital discords. In an era of individuality and independence, both spouses must have near equal share and control of the family finances. This concept is applicable in a single income family setup, where one of the spouses (generally the husband) works and earns money whereas the other (generally the wife) takes care of the household.

The sole idea behind this compensation paradigm is to bring balance of financial control between the spouses. The employee's remuneration is divided between the employee and the spouse in a certain ratio e.g. 60 to 40% between the employee and the spouse.

Near equal spread of financial control between the employee and the dependent spouse will reduce the chances of acrimony due to finances, increase family satisfaction and in general increase employee productivity. Any employee, supported by an empowered and satisfied spouse, will be more effective than an employee struggling to minimize the family conflicts.

Notice that the employer is making no additional payments to the employee. For employees managing income in a single-income family set-up, the overall family income is not impacted. Overall family purchasing decisions are not impacted either. This paradigm is only applicable to employees with financially dependent spouses.


Why is the family important?

Companies, today, are trying out various mechanisms to bring work-life balance. Almost employer wants to seen as family friendly. Kids and spouses are invited to the work areas and employees are encouraged to spend quality family time whenever they can. The basic premise is that an employee who spends more time with the family will be a satisfied and more productive employee, supported by a  satisfied family. However, this is not enough and the most fundamental aspect of family satisfaction, financial independence, is conveniently ignored.

The income earners, tend to have an “I am the earner. I am the only one working hard in the family, while you guys are having fun at my expense” attitude, ignoring the realities and hard-work involved on the part of the spouse staying at home and taking care of the household work. The home maker is, often times, frustrated if they don’t any see nay appreciation or compensation for the work they are doing.

How long can employees appreciate the importance of the family in the life of their employees yet fail to compensate the family?      

Family based compensation, in short, involves the family in a single-income family setup, as opposed to traditional compensation methods, where only the employee is compensated.

Employee Life events:

How does the Family based compensation paradigm work given all the possible life cycle events?

1.       New Employment: When an employee first takes a job with a company and he is single, the company pays him, per their policies. The employee income and family income are exactly the same. 

2.      Marriage: When an employee gets married to an individual, who is financially dependent on the employee, the company distributes the employee’s existing income into 2 buckets in a pre-determined ratio. For example, 60% of the income goes to the employee and 40% of the income goes to the spouse. The employee must add the spouse as a “dependent employee” category. The family income is unchanged, while the employee himself gets 60% of what they were making originally. However, if the spouse is working and financially independent, then no adjustments are made. 

3.      Spouse takes paid employment after briefly taking care of household: If the dependent spouse takes up paid employment and is no longer financially dependent on the employee, it is up to the employee and the spouse to determine if they want to continue with the distribution set-up or not. 

4.      Children: Having children may or may not impact the distribution %. Companies may choose to follow a policy where they may want to increase the dependent spouse’s share after birth of  a child. For example, after marriage the employee was paid 60% and the dependent spouse 40%. After the first child, the employee may get paid 50% and dependent spouse 50%. But, this could depend on the company policies. 

5.      Divorce: A divorce situation is a little tricky for the family based employee compensation. Divorces have different settlement procedures. In accordance with the settlement rules, if the employee pays a one-time amount and has no obligation to support the separated former-spouse, then the employee starts making 100% of the company compensation. However, if the settlement states that the employee has a to keep supporting the former spouse, then the employer will adjust the spouse’s share accordingly. Note that initiation of a divorce has no change on the distribution set-up. The formal completion of  divorce triggers the new distribution.  

6.      Re-marriages after Divorce: If an employee re-marries after divorce, the situation has to be understood in the light of the original divorce. The distribution to the new spouse can come only from the employee’s share. To illustrate, let us assume, a male employee makes $10,000/- per month, of which he gets $6,000/- (60%) and his wife gets $4,000/- (40%). The employee and his wife get separated and based on the settlement rules, the former wife now keeps getting 40%. The employee continues to draw the $6000/-
If the employee decides to re-marry, then the new wife will be paid 40% of the employee’s share. In other words, the employee gets $3600/- (60% of $6000/-) and the new wife gets $2400/- (40% of $6000/-). The ex-wife continues getting $4000/-, assuming she is still financially dependent.   
7.       Death of Dependent Spouse: In the event of death of the dependent spouse, the employee starts getting 100% of the income.    

8.      Re-marriage after death of dependent spouse: As pointed out earlier, after death of the dependent spouse, the employee starts getting 100%. If the employee re-marries, the original distribution is now established with the new wife.  

9.      Death of Employee: If the employee dies, naturally, all compensation benefits would cease to exist. 

10.   Termination or Retirement of Employee: In the event of termination or retirement of the employee, all compensation or benefits cease to exist. Any termination of retirement one-time payments are paid to the employee and dependent spouse in the distribution ratio established earlier.

Transitioning from existing employee based compensation to family based compensation

In order to truly become a family friendly, relationship based organization, companies would have to make an effort to move to the family based compensation paradigm. As you may have realized, the transition is more on policies rather than forcing the companies to invest more money. Companies may have to be make an initial investment on their payroll processes to add the dependent spouse as a dependent employee and to establish the distribution in the payroll system.  

Only such a change can bring a true revolution in employee productivity and move focus from employee satisfaction to family satisfaction.