is not for nothing that Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is known as the God of
cricket. Like God, he excels in his game. Like God, he is humble and
compassionate. Like God, he gifts the good (deliveries) and punishes the
bad ones. And like God, their is always a method behind the madness.
is a reason why certain things happen in a certain way, which ordinary
minds find it hard to decipher. The common man curses and scorns at God,
while He merely smiles at us, knowing fully well that his actions have
been executed for the greater good.
an article has been written and re-written on why the God of cricket
has been at least a few years late in announcing his retirement. Those
lesser mortals quote statistics on his form, runs scored, centuries
cracked, fitness, etc to prove their point. They are making every effort
to belittle the God.
to these folks realize that God never retires. Because, if he did, the
world would come to end.God only transitions responsibilities to
God-like creatures. He tests finesse and attitudes of individuals to
ensure they can continue without his active involvement. And he takes
time to satisfy himself before he transitions. Creating and testing the
chosen ones with difficult events and ensuring they have reached the
stage where they can represent God with ease.
Ramesh Tendulkar has done precisely that. Had he announced his
retirement from “active” cricket a few years ago, all hell would have
broken lose in the world of cricket in his absence. He has taken time to
transition to God-like individuals. He ensured that the chosen ones
like Dhoni and Kohli and the others are fully equipped to lead in his
absence. Once satisfied, he has announced his retirement from active
cricket, knowing fully well that the God-like individuals will continue
on his path of excellence.
God transitions, his legacy stays for everyone to remember and worship.
Commoners don’t stop talking about God, rather, they start reposing
their faith in the chosen ones, while still remembering that the God is
still there, watching them, albeit passively.
Thank you Sachin God Tendulkar for everything you have given us!