Saturday, March 2, 2013

Predicting the future with the great Indian epics & scriptures

Predicting the future with the great Indian Epics & Scriptures


The debates on whether the stories contained in the Indian epics (Ramayana and Mahabharata) are never-ending, Irrespective of what the outcome is, they do provide some very interesting insights into what the future looks like.




Current State

The epics and other ancient scriptures contain several instances where the Gods could communicate with their devotees or others in real-time. The Gods could just appear and disappear at will. Today, we already have skype and google hangout, which makes instant video communications possible.


Future State

The future of communications is 3D and 4D distant communications. 3D is already available, but very expensive and needs lot of infrastructure set-up, Future innovations will see 3D and 4D communications being adapted in regular life. We will be able to see the other person in 3D, almost as if they are near us. In a 4D environment, we will be able to feel the things near them thru smart devices. If they spill water, we will be able to feel the water drops on us. And you will be able to do all this sitting in the comfort of home or just anywhere with a smart phone.

It is very interesting to note the story of how the Mahabharata was written. Rishi Vyas, the author of the Mahabharata, spoke while the God Ganesha wrote the epic – very similar to speech-to-text conversion software. The future will see such software becoming more predictable and will change the way authors, writers and journalists interact with the media. Even home-works can just be talked, without the need to type. 


Health, Biology & Medicine          


Current State

The ancient rishis were healthy and probably never fell sick. They lived long lives and had near control over death. Test tube babies, artificial insemination are fairly recent topics that we have been dealing with. The Mahabharata contains examples of how the concept of  test tube baby was used in the birth of the 100 Kauravas. Also, Draupadi became of the mother of 3 sons, each born from a different father. Artificial insemination and usage of sperm banks are becoming so common today.     


Future State

Longevity is going up year by year. The future will see lesser people facing sick due to adopting healthier practices. Medicines will be more natural based, as opposed to over-dosage of chemicals. Artificial insemination and sperm banks will become bigger. More celebrities will take pride in sperm donation and more women will take pride in bearing children of the best in class men – the social stigma would disappear.  

There is an interesting story in the scriptures of how Ganesha’s head was severed from his body and he was killed. He was brought back to life by Lord Shiva by replacing his head with that of an elephant. The future of medicine is that it will be possible to transplant any type of organ from any living being to another living being as long as there is some basic compatibility. All living beings are made of the same 5 elements and have similar functions (e.g. blood circulation, brain functions, etc). Lots of medicines are lab tested on mice before prescribing for humans. There are enough indicators to show similarities in life across humans and other species. Therefore, such transplants would be very much possible in future.      


Travel & Mobility


Current State

Travel was so easy in the epic world. The gods just had to wish to be somewhere and they could be there in no time. The Ramayana does show  Ravana as owning a plane, which compares to a private jet in today’s world. Also, the Gods and Rishis could travel from place to place (earth and beyond). Humans have already conquered the moon and some of the other planets.


Future State

The future will see more mobility solutions, which are much faster. As humans gain more control over speed, you will see travel across continents in less than an hour. Also, inter-planet travels are restricted to astronauts and NASA scientists. The future will see movement of ordinary people with no background is space research, traveling to other planets or moons, for pleasure or other purposes.  


Social Issues


Current State

The 3rd sex, same-sex marriages are the hot topics today. Almost every country is facing the pressure to take a decision on such issues. The Mahabharata does give its due importance to the 3rd sex, in the form of Brihnala, an important character in the story.


Future State

The future will not see only see same sex marriages, but also, people maintaining multiple partners at the same time. In the Mahabharata, Draupadi had 5 husbands, while Arjuna, a husband of Draupadi, had multiple wives. The future will see such relationships- same sex marriages, multiple spouses. 

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